Before the world was introduced to the ADD/ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) craze in the 1980's, historians and scientists have been recording ADHD like symptoms in children and adults since the 1770's. Before the 1980's, these characteristics were thought to be a result from poor parenting skills, brain damage/brain injuries, brain disorders and brain dysfunctions. It was never really linked to DNA until the 1980's. It was also during this time when the ADHD "disorder" was divided into two different categories - those lacking focus WITH hyperactivity (ADHD) and those lacking focus WITHOUT being hyperactive (ADD). Yet, not matter the diagnosis, ADD and ADHD gained a negative stigma and kids were labeled as the "bad kids" and poor classroom students.
ADD/ADHD are linked to a specific gene carried by all humans called the DRD4 gene. The DRD4 gene has varying degrees of sequences, but the two most common DRD4 sequences linked to ADD and ADHD are the 2R(repeat) and 7R(repeat). Roughly 20% of humans on earth carry the DRD4-7R gene/adventure gene. There is no concrete statistic on exactly how many humans have ADD/ADHD, but estimates are as high as 30% and as low as 2%. When it comes down to it, not all people who carry the DRD4-2R or DRD4-7R sequenced genes have ADD or ADHD. Furthermore, the DRD-7R gene is associated more with ADHD because people with the 7R sequence typically engage in more risk taking activities or hyper-activities.
As a mother, former teacher, youth development worker and being diagnosed as "borderline ADD/ADHD" myself, I wish the whole ADD/ADHD label will go away. It still carries a negative tone and an instant bias is formed when you hear a youth or adult having ADD/ADHD. Why can't we change the way people look at the diagnosis? Why can't we adopt the labels "the adventure gene" or "explorer gene"? Think of how awesome it would be to say, "I carry the explorer gene" like Thomas Edison, Michael Phelps, Will Smith, Henry Ford and Eleanor Roosevelt and Ernest Shackleton. To prove my point, read the example below:
Imagine being 11 years old and an adult tells you, "you have a condition called ADHD and now you will need to take medicine every day so you can focus better". As you start to think about how awful it will be taking medicine FOREVER, the adult reads a list of negative characteristics that they feel describe you. The list includes:

2) You day dream too much
3) You ignore others when they call your name
4) You can't focus on even one thing
5) You annoying people
6) You have addictive tendencies, which means you might addicted to drugs when you're older.
As a result, your self esteem takes a dive and your mind transfers into your instinctive survival mode - will you fight or flight the situation?
Now image this scenario instead - an adult tells you that you have this amazing gene only held by 20% of the world's population. It is called the Adventure Gene! There are many famous and successful people who live or have lived with the gene, such as actors, athletes, explorers, politicians, entrepreneurs and inventors. Then the adult reads a list of characteristics that proves you can be even more successful than someone else without the gene. They tell you:
1) You are always on the look out and analyzing situations (critical problem solving skills)
2) You can adapt to almost any situation or environment
3) You are creative
4) You aren't afraid of failure
5) You focus REALLY WELL and even better than 80% of the population when something interests you
6) You can live a much longer and healthier life than other people
As a result, you feel like super hero, your self esteem rises and you enter adulthood knowing you will find a successful career that will make you happy. Isn't this a great way to live a strength based life?
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(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4.....) |
CALL TO ACTION!!-------------------------------------------------------
If you are a parent, a parent in the making or a far in the future parent, I call you to action! Don't label your kiddo with the ADD/ADHD stigma. Instead describe their gene as truth be told. Your child/ren will be future explorers, entrepreneurs, world travelers, actors/actresses, emergency personnel and anything else that will give them the challenge and constant change they need. Tell your child/ren all the positives of their genetics (listed above) and they will grow up excited to know they are the elite few with an awesome gene passed down through generations.